It goes on the old stereotype that men think with their. 'This study perpetuates the idea that men are studs, that they go with whatever turns them on. 'The whole point of sexual identity is it is a validation of who you are,' Kritzer tells WebMD. Identity, she says, comes from above the ears, not below the belt. Rieger and Bailey are looking in the wrong place for men's sexual identities, says Sheeri Kritzer, a Bisexual Resource Center board member. There are so many men who say - and demonstrate - that they love men and love women and are happy with it.' 'Really, there are so many bisexual men out there. 'I have seen in my practice very, very, very many men who are bisexual,' Weitzman tells WebMD. That conclusion doesn't fit with the experience of San Francisco psychologist Geri Weitzman, PhD, who runs a web site listing bisexual-friendly professional services.
'In men, there is no good evidence that something like a true bisexual attraction is out there.' 'We used measures of sexual arousal to explain true sexual feeling,' Rieger tells WebMD. Gerulf Rieger, a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, conducted the study with psychology professor J. But a device attached to their genitals told another story.
In the study, bisexual men reported being sexually aroused by erotic videos of both men and women. 30, 2005 - Bisexual men aren't fully bisexual, a controversial study suggests.